This project encourages students to write their own children’s book using the STORYBIRD website. They don’t even have to be artistic as templates from a variety of artists are available for use. After they write their book they create a VOKI to encourage others to read it. VOKI is also a free website where student create a talking avatar. Students can create books on any themes or you can assign a specific theme. The possibilities are limitless.
Time Frame: 1 block
- 12.3.2 Analyze the role of communication on human growth and development.
- 15.2.1 Choose nurturing practices that support human growth and development.
- Projector & Screen
- SMART Board
Background for Teachers
- You should sign up for these sites before class to familiarize yourself and create a sample Storybird to show the class. Also, if you are teaching a preschool class and want stories for each unit assign topics that the students should write the stories about.
- Write a digital children’s book using the website and then encourage a child to read it with a Voki book hook!
- Create a Voki, a talking avatar, which gives children an exciting summary of your book without giving away too much information.
- Instructions on how to sign up for each of these sites is in the directions attachment below.
- Students will write and read a story that they create using the Storybird and Voki websites.
- As a class watch/listen to all the stories that the class created.
- Storybird and Voki are graded according to the rubrics in the project instructions attachment.
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