Objective: Given a demonstration on how to make an apple pie, students will analyze the make their own pie crust with 90% accuracy and evaluate effects of different fats on pie crust.
National Standard: 8.4 Demonstrate planning menu items based on standardized recipes to meet customer needs.
Set: Demonstration on how to roll out pie crusts and ask the following questions:
- How many of you have made a pie before?
- How many of you have watched a family member make a pie?
- What is your favorite pie?
- What kinds of pie do you have for Thanksgiving?
- Each lab group will be given a different type of fat to use in their pie shells
- Students will make their own individual pie shell
- Students will eat their pie shells (filled with pudding) tasting and observing the differences that the fat made on the pie crust’s texture, taste, and color.
- Students will document their findings in the pie experiment chart
- Offer extra credit to any student who makes a pie from scratch at home.
- What pie crust turned out the best and why?
- If you were to make another pie what would you do differently next time?
- Why is it necessary to cut holes in the top of the pie?
- Why is it necessary to poke holes in the bottom of a one-crusted pie?
- What is the secret to making flaky pie crusts?
- Students will taste their pie crusts
- Students will answer lab questions found on evaluation form
- Pie Crust Experiment Chart (Word)