October’s FACS Teacher of the Month: Mindy Rose

This month’s Family and Consumer Science Teacher of the Month is Mindy Rose, a high school teacher in Louisiana. This is her 1st year teaching and she claims to, “still be on cloud nine!” Over the last 17 years she had another career that was fulfilling but she believed that she could put her skills to use to not only touch those around her but also the future. After her divorce she returned to college and finished her degree in education.

Mindy says that, “Receiving my degree in education was the best decision of my life and I have utilized my past experiences in my classroom. I enjoy teaching FACS because I can add my past experiences in life into my classroom. My students pass by my classroom everyday to see what they will be doing and it has been a joy to hear them say they love my classroom.”

Mindy keeps her students up on current events while still following  her department’s curriculum as often as she can. For instance, while studying food borne illness, her students were able to utilize the recent events on product recalls due to contaminated foods in class discussion. Current events keep things fresh and applicable beyond the textbook.

One of Mindy’s more recent lessons taught her students the importance of measuring accurately. At the beginning of her lesson she gave each kitchen lab group a recipe that was not very reliable although they did not know this. They had to use higher order thinking and problem solving techniques in order to figure out how they should go about measuring the ingredients. After they created the first recipe they received the correct recipe. When the students saw the correct recipe and how it should be measured, they quickly reacted and were able to finish the recipe accurately. While teaching the importance of measuring accurately, they also learned a very important kitchen safety lesson. One of the kitchen lab groups put a wet paper towel on a burner and she caught it when taking pictures of them. The picture was utilized when going over the lab day assignment on the following day to show them why kitchen safety is important.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Mindy!

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