Tag: Unhealthy Relationships

Teen Pregnancy Scenario

Sometimes when teaching about sensitive topics, it helps to have a scenario or case study to work with. This Teen Pregnancy Scenario, will provide you with just that along with some related follow-up activities. Continue reading to learn more…

RelationSHIP Graphic Organizer

Students need to have an idea of what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy. In order to accomplish this, students spend time brainstorming on their own before joining forces as a class to complete the “RelationSHIP Graphic Organizer.” This is a very engaging class sharing activity before asking students to apply it as they analyze relationships to determine their healthfulness.

A Twisted Love Poem Activities & Updated “No One Would Tell” Resources

Ever feel like you need to breathe new life into some of your units?  That’s just how I felt with some of my dating violence activities! Not that they still weren’t great activities, I was just getting tired of using them and needed something fresher. In this post you will find a few of the new activities and resources that I created that involve a poem, a teen girl visual and an updated movie for use in this unit. So, choose one, two or all three to try out the next time you teach about dating violence!