Tag: High School

Event Planning Project

Students plan an event of their choice start to finish as if they were an event planner. Paying attention to details is essential. The students created a diorama showing the look and feel of their event, and a booklet that contains their budget, floor plan, guest list, To-Do list, menu, and time schedule. They also make an invitation, an item off their menu, and sample decoration for their event. Finally, the students set up a table show casing the event that they planned at the school’s art exposition.

Small Appliance Cooking Assignment

My life skills students actually came up with this lesson. This particular class happened to be a class full of guys and they convinced me that simple cooking skills were something that they should learn before they graduate. Of course they also loved to eat…thus the birth of this lesson–cooking with small appliances!

Life Long Learning Book Report

This project is a part of a high school senior life skills class. I explain to the students that after high school it is really up to them to engage in learning on their own. No one is going to spoon feed them. One of the ways adults learn is by reading books on subjects that they need to work on or learn more about.

How to Measure Correctly

Since I teach semester culinary classes, Valentines Day comes up around the time that I am going over how to measure correctly. I use this lab for my culinary II students who already have learned how to measure correctly so instead of demonstrating the techniques I have them show me that they remember how to measure correctly by making this recipe. This lab also allows them to get familiar with their kitchens and lab group. Obviously this recipe or any other cookie recipe could be used to produce the same results—students proving that they know how to measure different ingredients.

Genetic Birth Defects Lesson Plan

Tired of lecturing? Have your students do the teaching with this lesson about genetic birth defects. Students research and learn about one birth defect then teach the rest of the class their findings via a PowerPoint presentation and student handout.

Environmental Birth Defects Lesson

Students will research environmentally caused birth defects and create a pamphlet encouraging mothers to make wise choices about their lifestyle choices. Students will present their findings and pamphlet to the class.

Quality Clothing

What is a high quality garment? Do brand names necessarily mean that an item is high quality? Which do you use more in evaluating apparel; quality, price or your knowledge about quality? How much does the price of a garment tell you about the quality of the apparel you buy?

Make Your Own Cereal Lab

I always have my students look at cereal labels and compare two different kinds. We’ll this lesson takes it to the next level by allowing students to bake their own cereal, make an accurate nutrition label for their cereal, create advertising, and delve into FDA regulations on food labeling.

Elements and Principles of Design The Gingerbread Way

Teaching the elements and principles of design gets monotonous. There are always the traditional standbys like having students find a magazine picture and label the elements and principles, but I was looking for something more creative. With the holiday season in full swing I wanted to make a gingerbread house for a friend so I decided to make the inside of a gingerbread house using the elements and principles of design. Not into the whole gingerbread thing? The same idea can be used to create a diorama out of a shoe box and it will save you the time baking.

Homemade Vs. Box Mix Cupcake Lab

Which are better- cupcakes made from a box mix or made from scratch? In starting a cake unit I like to facilitate this experiment making boxed cupcakes and from scratch cupcakes to allow students to draw their own conclusions about which one tastes better and calculate which one is cheaper.